2COL53B.ZIP 48,774 08-01-94 2COL, a 2 column compressed print utility fordotmatrix, ink/bubble/deskjet, prints up to 8pages on one side of a sheet of paper (or 16pages using both sides).Faster and morereadable than other compressed print
programs.Great for shareware manuals andreducing the bulk of paper stored ortransported.Save $ when faxing/mailing.New:Reverse printing.Now prints 1-6 columns.MS-Windows menu/edit interface now available
2X4_163.ZIP 144,726 06-08-94 2x4 Labeler v1.63: MS-Windows easy-to-usemethod of producing labels for 3 " disks;label will contain a list of the files on thedisk, as well as a banner (title) and edgetext; uses the Avery L7664 label for the
European A4 page size; does color, too; reqVBRUN300.DLL; 06/08/94; TANSTAAFL Software.
3X3_163.ZIP 145,133 06-08-94 3x3 Labeler v1.63: MS-Windows easy-to-usemethod of producing labels for 3 " disks;label will contain a list of the files on thedisk, as well as a banner (title) and edgetext; does color, too; reqs VBRUN300.DLL;
06/08/94; TANSTAAFL Software.
APMAD500.ZIP 96,445 07-06-94 APT Mailing Assistant 5.00 <ASP> Printenvelopes and labels with delivery point barcodes on any HP compatible laser or Epsoncompatible dot matrix printer. Will alsoprint bulk mailing permit box on laser
printers. Provides mailing statistics.Supports 3 sizes of envelopes and 3 sizes oflabels.
APP106.ZIP 203,203 10-10-93 ASCII-PRINT PRO 1.06 by ETS Inc. LaserPrinters can do far more than you everimagined with this program. GREAT! AllGraphic, Feature Packed Dos program. IBMEGA/VGA+Mouse required. 5 STARS!!! 432
different BOOKLET SIZES alone!
APTENV.ZIP 59,841 05-17-94 APT ENVELOPE PRINTER & BULK MAILER 4.00 <ASP>Print envelopes w/POSTNET codes & bulk mail-Print envelopes and labels with POSTNET codeson any HP compatible laser printer or Epsoncompatible dot matrix printer. Does bulk
mailing and prints zip code statistics foreasy bundling. Supports multiple addressdatabases. Business APT COMPUTER SOLUTIONS,INC
BARCOD11.ZIP 29,367 02-10-94 Bar Code Control (VBX) <ASP> BarCod makes barcode display really easy. Just pick theorientation, set the size, and pick the barcode style. Then, set the text to whateveryou want the bars to be. Nothing else to do!
BARS40.ZIP 596,517 04-14-94 BARS VERSION 4.0 new version of the popularbarcode printing program for windows. nowsupports 19 barcode types,multiple pages oflabels,on line registration,and much much more
BJFILT.ZIP 21,557 02-03-94 Stops the Canon Bubble Jet BJ200 printerdriver (version 1.2) from printing extra twoletters "ab" at end of every job. Can alsomonitor parallel port & print out all outputfor debugging.
BNR401.ZIP 31,608 04-18-94 Banner 4.01 04/18/94 BANNER allows you tocreate a large banner using a standard ASCIIprinter. BANNER contains an internalrepresentation of the alphabet that is madeup of standard ASCII characters and will
print any message on your printer in asideways banner fashion. Sharewareregistration forms and manual included. FromFoley Hi-Tech Systems (ASP).
BOOK420.ZIP 93,328 05-22-94 Print booklets on Laserjet & Epson printers -BOOKLET uses landscape mode to print bookletson Laserjet laser printers, Deskjet inkjetsand Epson dot-matrix compatible printers.Highly configurable and VERY easy to use.
BOOKFORM.ZIP 35,312 06-29-94 BOOKFORM prints docs like a book This programwill print ASCII doc and txt files inbookform and cut your paper consumption inHALF! Prints on both sides of the paper andin proper order. Requires a dot matrix
printer. Very useful. Works on most makes ofprinters. Freeware, no registration reqd.
CDBOX.ZIP 9,386 07-08-94 CD Boxer - allows you to print out liners forCD boxes. It automatically grabs track lengthinformation, and you simply fill in the tracktitles. Requires VBRUN300.
CDLAB202.ZIP 27,486 05-31-94 CDLabel v2.02: MS-Windows pgm designed toprint labels for CD jewel boxes; VBRUN300.DLLis req'd; 05/31/94; Gene Toye.
COLPR21.ZIP 40,793 06-26-94 ColPrint v2.1 - Shareware printer utilityprogram used to print newspaper style columnsof text. Prints up to three columns per pageand works with many dot matrix printers,DeskJet, and laser printers. Included is a
word wrap program, Rap, which can be used toreformat the text files into specific linewidths. Registration $9.95.
COP9603.ZIP 13,071 06-11-94 Use your LaserJet and ScanJet as a personalcopier.
COPIER41.ZIP 12,372 04-15-94 HP ScanJet Laserjet Copier system.
COPYFLOP.ZIP 15,490 02-06-94 CopyFlop - copies diskettes and creates imagefiles of diskettes which can be used toproduce multiple copies quickly. It can copyan entire disk or only tracks which are used.
CTZN32A.ZIP 113,448 02-05-94 CITIZEN v3.2a. Rosemary West (ASP) Thismenu-driven utility lets you control thefonts on your Citizen MSP or Tribute printer.You can also print small text files and typeenvelopes.
DDP20A.ZIP 153,253 05-15-94 Drag and Drop Printing v2.0 <ASP> - A Windows3.1 utiltiy for printing text files. Allowsfor the control of the font and point size.Margins are fully adjustable. Headings andfootings can be printed on each page. Files
are easily printed by dragging the file fromfile manager and dropping it on top of theprogram icon. Program allows for simulatedduplex printing, shell printing & many otherfeatures From FLFSoft, Inc. $15.00
DJM143.ZIP 38,156 04-17-94 DeskJet Manager - alternative to the controlpanel for DJ500 & 500C
DL48.ZIP 94,421 01-16-94 DaLabeler v4.8 - Disk Labeler You always needto store files to a floppy. Use DaLabeler toproduce a fast, easy to read label completewith comments for quick reference. For 3.5"and 5.25" disks. New feature for creating
3.5" disk sleeve and 5.25" disk insert.Supports mouse. Author: Robert Neal 01/16/94
DPS11.ZIP 91,617 10-24-93 DPS v1.1 <ASP> - Document Processing System.DPS processes a source document file withembedded commands and produces a formattedfile suitable for printing on any type ofASCII printer. DPS includes automatic
generation of a table of contents, index, andvarious types of lists. It also providescross references to other sections and pagesin the document. DPS is excellent fordocumenting computer programs.
DUPLEX.ZIP 13,981 06-07-94 DUPLEX <ASP> - A simple and yet complete progon both sides of the paper. The program prododd-numbered pages, the other with even-numbeseparatly. Correctly handles formatted and u
matter how your printer stacks the paper, yousheets when DUPLEX is used. Platform: 8088,DOS 2.0 Author: Feico Nater Shareware,Beukweg 24, 75 Netherlands. Registration$10.00
DVI362.ZIP 645,162 04-08-94 DVI & DviLW 3.62. TeX Previewer/PrinterPostScript Driver.
EEDOS111.ZIP 40,195 03-19-94 EZ EPSON 1.11 for DOS. Printer utility. Workswith many Epson & compatible printers. Allowsaccess to some of your printer's capabilitiesthat are not available through use of thefront panel switches. Some EZ options
duplicate those available on the panel,however, using EZ Epson means less wear onthe switches.
ENV412.ZIP 133,484 04-19-94 ENVELOPES PLUS - Print envelopes/labels.Convenient database for addresses & more.Dials phone numbers, prints bulk rate stamps,large memo fields, Rolodex cards. Great forthe beginner - intuitive menus yet powerful
enough for small businesses. Prints to dotmatrix, inkjets & lasers. Supports popularAvery 8.5" x 11" sheets. Can run on < 100Kdisk space! Ver. 4.11
ENVS20.ZIP 77,485 03-26-94 A utility to print addresses on envelopesusing a Panasonic Laser printer. Also createsa database of those who have been printed andis used for lookup and reprint purposes.Requires VGA monitor. May be used in DOS or
Windows either Full Screen or within a Window.
EPSONESC.ZIP 107,367 05-16-94 New Epson ESC -p/2 Printer Drivers includesAP-3250.
EZFX401B.ZIP 356,604 04-13-94 EZ-Forms Executive v4.01b (Professional) TheUltimate Forms Processor. Now with userconfigurable pop-up form/field help. Pop-upfield pick lists, and field tab scheduling aswell as DES encryption for USA/Cdn. versions.
Includes full math (40+ functions), formsupto 15 pages, full drawing, directorynavigation, file compression, encryption,word-wrap, centering and justification. Over100 forms included in the registered versionwith 500+ more available. True multiple
station and network versions available. Only$129 (single) Contact: EZX @ 713-280-9900 VOCBox 58177, Webster TX 77598-8177 USA713-280-0099 FAX 713-280-8180 BBS
FED211.ZIP 209,060 09-06-93 View & edit any HP LaserJet bit-mapped softfont. Requires VGA/EGA/CGA/Herc or AT&Tvideo. Mouse optional. Portrait or landscape,fixed or proportional, & can convert betweenthem. Handles up to 110 pt (VGA), 80 pt
(EGA), 88 pt (Herc & AT&T), or 44 pt (CGA).Sculpt individual pixels, or use the manybuilt-in special effects and area shapes. Canimport characters from black & white .PCX,.TIF, or other soft fonts. Many features.
FLASHPRT.ZIP 27,226 05-17-94 FLASHPRINT Release 4.5. A TSR which can loada data file up to 56K huge to send commandsto your printer while printing. Uses only 240bytes memory. Allows 220+ data entries. Datafile easy to make or change with any text
editor. Super fast loading. No conversion oftext data file needed. On/Off options etc.For beginners or experts. ($20) From JimTucker.
FLXTW.ZIP 166,481 05-31-94 FlexText for Windows - prints ASCII textfiles and clipboard text using True Typefonts. It can print multiple pages/sheet inboth landscape and portrait modes whileautomatically adjusting the point size to
match the document. Other features includeword-wrap, page numbering, file information,and more. Requires WIN31.
FPE41CA.ZIP 264,157 04-11-94 EZ-Forms Plus vE41c Great forms processor.Now with user configurable pop-up form/ fieldhelp & Pop-up field pick lists that makefill-out a breeze. Includes 4-function math,full drawing, directory navigation, file
compression, more. 100+ forms included w/registered version with 500+ more avail. Only$59 (single) Other licn avail for low $ EZXP&D, Box 58177 Webster TX 77598-8177 USA713-2809900/8180/8300/0099 Voc/BBS/FoD/FAX
FPRINT12.ZIP 93,370 10-10-93 Fine Print 1.20 print 4 full pages on one sh
FX401DC.ZIP 399,943 04-12-94 EZ-Forms eXecutive v4.01d (Professional) TheUltimate Forms Processor. Pop-up form/fieldhelp. Pop-up field pick lists & tab scheduleas well as encryption. Includes full (40+ fn)math, forms to 15 pg, full draw, directory
nav., file compr., encryption, word-wrap,centering, justification. 100+ forms w/reg.Only $79 (single) Other licn avail for low $EZX P&D, Box 58177 Webster TX 77598-8177 USA713-2809900/8180/8300/0099 Voc/BBS/FoD/FAX
HL_320.ZIP 36,503 07-16-94 Huckabey Labels. 200 records per unlimiteddatabases. Edit, print, add records, etc.Nothing fancy! It just works! $10 reg.
INKJET21.ZIP 170,823 02-22-94 DESKJET SURVIVAL KIT - HP inkjet utilityIncludes many utilities, e.g., 1) prints 8pages of ASCII text on 1 sheet, 2) TSR ESCcode control panel; 3) TSR address grabberfor printing envelopes; 4) more. Explains how
to refill empty cartridges.
JETCOL33.ZIP 88,146 06-24-94 JETCOL is a 2 column compressed print utilityfor lasers. It prints up to 10 pages on oneside of a sheet of paper and 20 pages usingboth sides. One of 10 soft fonts provided is
automatically selected according to amount ofcompression needed. Has features whichautomate operation for best readability andappearance of printout.Saves $ when faxing ormailing. New:landscape printing,1-6 columns.
MS-Windows menu/edit interface now available.
KTM.ZIP 140,931 04-18-94 Function key template printing utility
KUVERTUS.ZIP 89,225 06-02-94 Kuvert 2.11, envelope and address labelprinter
KWKLBL40.ZIP 112,139 02-04-94 Version 4.0/A of this unique label program.BRAND NEW! Prints Graphics on regular labels.Prints little return address with attractiveborders on labels or envelopes. Makes regular
labels with choice of fonts. Prints addressand return address on envelope at same time.Will print the Postal barcode. The CustomBorder Editor lets you design unique borders.NEW; the Mailing List for mass mailings and
PM/PS graphics printing on regular labels.
LBLWIZ.ZIP 291,087 06-12-94 Label Wizard version 2.3 (5/20/94): Anall-purpose label utility program for Windows3.1. Includes templates for mailing, floppydisk labels, audio-visual labels and several(J-Card) labels. A very versatile program
that is only limited by your imagination andyour printer.
LJ4UTL13.ZIP 42,083 03-18-94 The LJ4 Utility Version 1.3 The definitemust-have for any LaserJet 4 user! Lets youquickly change all the settings from theprompt. Distributed as Shareware,Registration fee only $10! Dieses Archiv
enthlt auch die deutschsprachige Version
LJENV24.ZIP 61,006 03-01-94 LaserJet III Envelope Printer w/ BarCoding.The Easiest Envelope Printer Around. Version2.4 from WingSauce New support for Pay-A-Billand Laser Greeting Card envelopes. Free forNon-Commercial Private Use.
LM51C.ZIP 387,854 06-13-94 LABEL MASTER, VERSION 5.1C <ASP> PC MAGAZINEEDITORS CHOICE MAILING LIST PRG- Label Masteris a PC Magazine Editors Choice mailing listprogram. Unlimited records. Includes ReportWriter, Form Letter Utility, Search &
Replace, Query Builder and other utilities.Prints bar codes. All laserjet & dot matrixprinters. Business RKS SOFTWARE, INC.
LMAN1_0B.ZIP 48,673 07-31-94 LASR_MAN MicroMetric <ASP>: BASIC soft fontsfor the program LASR_MAN, to support HPLaserJet + printers and compatibles. Thesefont descriptions and fonts, in both Portraitand Landscape for all five pitches, are Type
1, containing the ASCII characters 32-127 and160-255 - a total of 192 characters. * FORUSE WITH LASR_MAN, LMANvvvA
LMAN2L0C.ZIP 51,197 07-31-94 LASR_MAN MicroMetric <ASP>: BASIC soft fontsfor the program LASR_MAN, to support HPLaserJet II printers and compatibles - anylaser printer that cannot rotate portraitfonts to landscape. These font descriptions
and fonts, in Landscape only for all fivefont sizes, are Type 2, containing the ASCIIcharacters 32-255. * FOR USE WITH LASR_MAN,LMANvvvA
LMAN522A.ZIP 294,943 03-07-94 LASR_MAN v5.22 r03/07/94 MicroMetric <ASP>:Great for manuals, docs, drafts, legal, etc.- save up to 93% of paper usage! Laser/inkjet printer utility for ASCII text files with36 styles; portrait or landscape with 10-33
cpi; print on one or both sides/sheet;landscape-1/2/4/8/16 text page/sheet (tpps);portrait-1/2/4/8 tpps; pamphlet/book (multi-files)-4/8/16 tpps; covers; "rubber stamp"feature; options++.
LMAN524A.ZIP 299,419 04-30-94 LASR_MAN MicroMetric <ASP>: Great for docs,manuals, drafts, etc.- save up to 93% ofpaper usage! Laser/ink jet printer utilityfor ASCII text files - 36 styles; portrait orlandscape with 10-33 cpi; print on one or
LMAN524B.ZIP 59,271 04-15-94 LASR_MAN MicroMetric <ASP>: Letter Gothicsoft fonts for the program LASR_MAN, tosupport HP LaserJet + printers andcompatibles. These fonts, in both Portraitand Landscape for all five font sizes, are
Type 1, containing the ASCII characters 32-127 and 160-255 - a total of 192 characters.FOR USE WITH LASR_MAN, LMANvvvA
LMAN524C.ZIP 57,017 04-15-94 LASR_MAN MicroMetric <ASP>: Letter Gothicsoft fonts for the program LASR_MAN, tosupport HP LaserJet II printers andcompatibles - any laser printer that cannotrotate portrait fonts to landscape. These
fonts, in Landscape only for all five fontsizes, are Type 2, containing the ASCIIcharacters 32-255. FOR USE WITH LASR_MAN,LMANvvvA
LMAN524D.ZIP 77,302 04-15-94 LASR_MAN MicroMetric <ASP>: Letter Gothicsoft fonts for the program LASR_MAN, tosupport HP DeskJet printers and compatibles.These fonts, in both Portrait and Landscapefor all five font sizes, are Type 2,
containing the ASCII characters 32-255. TheDeskJet printer requires an additional memorycartridge in order to support soft fontdownloading. FOR USE WITH LASR_MAN, LMANvvvA
LMAN524E.ZIP 6,826 04-15-94 LASR_MAN MicroMetric <ASP>: 2 PPSconfiguration change files, LASR_MAN Ver.5.1; 2P10 prints at 10 cpi with 50 char/lineand 45 lines/page on standard letter sizepaper; 2P17M1 gives a 1/2" margin on each
side of the center divider; 2P23 prints at 23cpi with 115 cpl and 98 lpp; 2P33 prints at33 cpi with 168 cpl and 126 lpp. FOR USE WITHLASR_MAN, LMANvvvA
LMAN525A.ZIP 300,525 04-30-94 LASR_MAN MicroMetric <ASP>: Great for docs,manuals, drafts, etc.- save up to 93% ofpaper usage! Laser/ink jet printer utilityfor ASCII text files - 36 styles; portrait orlandscape with 10-33 cpi; print on one or
LMAN525B.ZIP 59,452 04-30-94 LASR_MAN MicroMetric <ASP>: Letter Gothicsoft fonts for the program LASR_MAN, tosupport HP LaserJet + printers andcompatibles. These fonts, in both Portraitand Landscape for all five font sizes, are
Type 1, containing the ASCII characters 32-127 and 160-255 - a total of 192 characters.FOR USE WITH LASR_MAN, LMANvvvA
LMAN525C.ZIP 57,171 04-30-94 LASR_MAN MicroMetric <ASP>: Letter Gothicsoft fonts for the program LASR_MAN, tosupport HP LaserJet II printers andcompatibles - any laser printer that cannotrotate portrait fonts to landscape. These
fonts, in Landscape only for all five fontsizes, are Type 2, containing the ASCIIcharacters 32-255. FOR USE WITH LASR_MAN,LMANvvvA
LMAN525D.ZIP 77,484 04-30-94 LASR_MAN MicroMetric <ASP>: Letter Gothicsoft fonts for the program LASR_MAN, tosupport HP DeskJet printers and compatibles.These fonts, in both Portrait and Landscapefor all five font sizes, are Type 2,
containing the ASCII characters 32-255. TheDeskJet printer requires an additional memorycartridge in order to support soft fontdownloading. FOR USE WITH LASR_MAN, LMANvvvA
LP31.ZIP 204,846 02-07-94 LABELS-PLUS Bar Code Labeling System v3.1<ASP> LABELS-PLUS supports 300+ dot matrixprinters including Epson, IBM, Okidata,Panasonic and compatibles. Support for UPCVersion A, UPC Version E, UPC/EAN/IAN 13,
UPC/EAN/IAN 8, Interleaved 2 of 5, Standard 2of 5, Code 39 and Code 128. Data may beentered through the keyboard or ASCII files.complete on-line help and mouse support.
LPE202.ZIP 131,536 10-10-93 Laser Printer Envelope 2.02 ETS Inc. You canprint very attractive envelopes on your HPCompatible Laser Printer. All Graphic,FEATURE PACKED Dos program. IBM VGA+Mouserequired. 5 STARS!
LPRINT21.ZIP 97,728 02-22-94 LPRINT VERSION 2.1 <ASP> Text file listingutility for PostScript printers. Addsborders, titles, page count and logos. Allowsfont, size, landscape and portrait selection.Title data can be drawn from file or
enviromnt Handles embedded form feed properly.
LPTRST.ZIP 7,537 06-24-94 LPTRST - is a parallel port/printer statusdetection program.
LXB10.ZIP 53,378 02-09-94 LETTER EXPRESS v1.0: Utility to print letterson LaserJet/DeskJet printers using CG Times.Graphics preview; Overlay letterhead; Autoletter date. Options to: Set margin, justifi-
cation, line spacing, font size, print media,printer port. User friendly and interactivemenu. Command line options. EGA/VGA requiredfor preview.> DCF Software
MILABL26.ZIP 69,399 02-11-94 MILABEL v2.6: multi-purpose label printingutility that supports IBM Proprinter II/X24,Epson LX-800/LQ-2500, Panasonic KXP-1124 andToshiba 321SL printers; 02/11/94; John M.Haro.
MLTPR203.ZIP 50,551 02-08-94 MultiPrint 2.03 - Very efficient text printer.
ONSIZE.ZIP 182,137 05-28-94 OnSide 2.0 - Menu driven sideways printingprogram. Lets you print any ASCII text filesideways on IBM/EPSON graphics, or ProPrintercompatible printers. Ten font styles includedor create your own with the font editor. On-
screen drawing makes the process easy. Fontscan be magnified and stretched. Control allprint aspects:double strike for darker print,top/bottom can be set, character width/heightand spacing can be controlled. $24.95 (ASP)
PAGESAV.ZIP 30,107 05-17-94 PAGE SAVE - For dot matrix or ink-jetprinters and Windows 3.1. Page Save willallow you to print on both sides of yourcomputer paper. Page Save is easy to use andhas options and tips to help you along. From
Kaena Pt. Software, $12.00
PANLASZ2.ZIP 76,361 12-10-93 A utility to print addresses on envelopesusing a Panasonic Laser printer. Also createsa database of those who have been printed andis used for lookup and reprint purposes.Requires VGA monitor. May be used in DOS or
Windows either Full Screen or within a Window.
PASCII15.ZIP 17,656 02-22-94 PASCII v1.5: prepares an ASCII file forprinting; supports header/footer, pagination,file-name, time/date of printing, time/ dateof file, one/two-sided printing, linenumbering, left margin (even/odd side), top/
bottom margin, FormFeed character
PL300.ZIP 101,878 05-15-94 Pop-Up Window Makes Labels Fast!!
PMON2.ZIP 9,374 06-04-94 Printer device monitor/redirector. New inthis version is a utility to forward printjobs to a networked HP printer with aJetDriect card, via IBM TCP/IP 2.0 for OS/2
POPFRM30.ZIP 111,049 03-16-94 POPFORM: form printer grabs info from screen.POPFORM is a ram-resident program that can becalled up from within nearly any application,grab information from the screen, and merge
it into a form that's being sent either to aprinter or to a disk file. It's more thanjust the perfect label/envelope printingtool, because, unlike most single-purposesoftware, PopForm is actually programmable.
PRAN635.ZIP 12,700 02-12-94 PRANCER v6.35 - PRinter enhANCER for dotmatrix printers doubles the print resolution.
PRINDIR9.ZIP 32,211 02-04-94 Latest Upgrade For This Printer RedirectProgram
PRNCOM35.ZIP 23,836 01-30-94 PRINT COMMANDER! V 3.5S <ASP> TSR dot matrixand inkjet printer utility.- Small memoryresident program that lets the user changeprinter instructions, such as fonts, printmode, and paper position, from the keyboard
instead of at the printer. Also allows theuser to enter escape codes and print out textfiles directly. Utilities - Printer WILLIAMKNEELAND
PRNPL691.ZIP 72,298 02-10-94 PRINTPLUS v6.91. Tag and Print, Copy, Move,Delete files. View files. Pull Dn Menus.Option to save paper. Print select pages.Adjustable MARGINS. Preview # of pages. Oldleft margin strip. INSPECT file for
Formfeeds, Tabs, Left Margin, and longestline.Print to Lpt1, Lpt2, Prn, Com or afilename. Mouse support. Now adds a TrashCanoption when deleting files. < ASP > Shareware.
PRNT2V34.ZIP 79,374 06-24-94 PRINT2 v3.4 DOTMATRIX, LASERJET, DESKJET 2Col Print Util *INFO* Now with GraphicalWindows, Built-in HELP, Pick and Click filesupport. A4 & Legal paper, LASERJETs &DESKJETs now supported. Print the
ALLFILES.LSTs and other documentation.Registration only $15US. BUG Fixes!!! byWilliam Mantz II CGA/EGA/VGA+
PRNTG142.ZIP 276,671 03-07-94 PRINTGL v1.42 <ASP> - A pen plotter emulatorpackage for DOS, Windows systems. It printsor displays HP-GL from most CAD and graphingpackages. Supports 9, 24 pin printers, CanonLBP, BJ, BJC, HP LaserJet, DeskJet, HP-GL/2
devices, PDP ProTracer, PostScript, VESASVGA, and many other printers and displays,and outputs PCX files. User selectable penwidth, color, shading, and paper size,magnification, etc. Shareware - $50.
PRNTGF.ZIP 222,467 04-30-94 PRINTGF v1.12 <ASP> - A GIF printer for DOS,Windows. DOS and registered Windows versionsread BMP,JPG,PCX,TIF. Outputs 240 level/planeb/w or color, with pattern and/or error diffdither, brightness, contrast, gamma, gray
balance control, user selectable clip area,print size, portrait/landscape. Drives 9, 24pin printers, HP LaserJet, DeskJet, Primera,PostScript, Canon BJ, BJC, VESA SVGA, manyother printers and displays. Shareware - $34.
PRNTPART.ZIP 296,316 03-14-94 Print Partner for DOS - Printmaster cloneprints banners, signs, calendars. Containsfonts, graphics, and printer drivers. Alsocontains a Printmaster to Print Partnerconverter. Useful but slow with banners.
PROPCALC.ZIP 4,376 06-10-94 PropCalc - is a programmer's tool thatcalculates proportions for screen sizeconversions, etc. Requires VBRUN300.
PSP21.ZIP 89,679 01-03-94 Postscript to DOS v. 2.1.
PSW30D.ZIP 281,432 06-05-94 PrintSwitch 3.0d - Simple utility that makeschanging your default Windows printer as easyas one click/Hotkey press. Configures itselffor your system and displays all currentlyinstalled printers. Shows current default
selection & paper orientation and senses anychanges. Also allows access to printer setup,toggling of Print Manager on & off and PrintManager priority settings. Shareware.Requires VBRUN300.DLL not incl.
QL10SW.ZIP 123,918 03-13-94 Quick Label 1.0 (shareware) - A label orenvelope printer. Prints one at a time, quickand easy. Enter the address and print thelabel, that's all. Saves current info fornext time.
QM.ZIP 35,679 01-23-94 QMANAGER is designed to be your all-in-onequeue manager. From a screen allowing you toview multiple print queues, you can controlthe flow of print jobs and queues.
QMPRO.ZIP 36,422 01-23-94 Demo of QMANAGER PRO - designed to be yourall-in-one queue manager. Many features.
S3INIT10.ZIP 40,313 01-08-94 S3 Printer Init Utility v1.0: will allow youto send printer initialization strings to adevice while in DOS thus making use ofprinter functions not available in some pgms,or just for the ease of it; 01/08/94; George
SAVER12.ZIP 90,659 05-03-94 THE PAPER SAVER, HP LJ/DJ print utility Theperfect solution for the paper glut Printsany ASCII file, placing up to 8 pages of texton every sheet, in a tiny but very readablefont. Can use std. font also. Can print 1,2,4
or 8 pages on every sheet. Page numbering,file name on every page. Intelligentdrop-down menus. Save a tree, use this!Supports Hew-Pack. LaserJets/DeskJets.
SETDEV10.ZIP 35,498 03-13-94 SETDEV v1.0 - send landscape or compresscodes to a LaserJet printer. SETDEV has theability to send any byte(s) to any device.Output devices can include parallel ports(LPT1-LPTn), serial ports (COM1-COM2), files
(FILENAME.TXT) or any hardware device with aknown I/O address.
SKIP106.ZIP 183,257 05-01-94 SKIP v1.06 LABEL UTILITY by ETS Inc. AddressLabel program prints LABELS, POSTCARDS,BUSINESS CARDS, print from a database, mustsee to appreciate! Laser Printer +EGA/VGA+Mouse required. IBM EGA/VGA+Mouse
required. 5 STARS!!! Great for "Viking" typelabels!
SNEKRNET.ZIP 190,160 03-11-94 Save file to a snapshot file and print on anyprinter.
STARDRVS.ZIP 283,360 02-15-94 Star Printer Drivers For Windows
THNBAR04.ZIP 28,777 04-01-94 ThunderBar v0.4 <ASP> A TSR (memory-resident)program which lets you print CODE 39 BarCodes wherever you want them. ThunderBarworks with whatever word processor ordatabase program you already use. It allows
side-by-side (2-up, 3-up, 4-up, etc.) labelson most printers. ThunderBar takes up only 3Kof memory. Registration: $15.00.
TSTLAY.ZIP 23,368 06-02-94 TestLay - demonstrates how to save a TrueGridlayout then restore it. Requires TrueGrid.VBX.
TYPEIT12.ZIP 39,176 04-20-94 TYPE-IT - Dot matrix acts like typewriter Adot matrix/daisy wheel printer utility thatallows you to print out notes, envelopes,etc. quickly, just as if your printer was atypewriter.
ULTRADOC.ZIP 167,595 06-24-94 UltraDoc - formats text in multiple columnsand sends it to your printer. The maximumdimensions of the printed page are limitedonly by your printer and computer's memory.You can specify the page width and height
from within the program. There is almost nolimitation on printers supported since youcan enter the printer codes needed
UNDBAR30.ZIP 91,294 06-13-94 UnderBar v3.0 <ASP> - a TSR (memory-resident)program which prints an 11-digit DeliveryPoint Bar Code under any address which endsin a ZIP+4 code. UnderBar is totallyautomatic and works with whatever word
processor, mailing list, or database programyou already use. Works with Epson printers,IBM ProPrinters, and LaserJets. Registration:$15.00.
WINVLOP.ZIP 428,426 06-20-94 WINVELOPE v4.3 <ASP> - Envelope printingutility for Windows. Includes support forcopy/paste, Windows installed fonts, multiplereturn address selection, graphic logos,auto-print orientation control, POSTNET bar
codes, and an attractive user-friendlyinterface. "This is a most excellent envelopeprinting program..." Windows 3.1 Hyperguide,Alpha Books. Shareware $20,
WPRT1U.ZIP 174,126 06-02-94 WinPRT - allows you to select a window or theentire desktop and print it on your printerwith just a few clicks of the mouse. RequiresVBRUN300.
WUNBAR47.ZIP 94,600 06-13-94 WonderBar v4.7 <ASP>- a TSR (memory-resident)program which lets you print POSTNET barcodes wherever you want them: on mailinglabels, letters, envelopes, etc. WonderBarworks with whatever word processor, mailing
list, or database program you already use. Itallows side-by-side (2-up, 3-up, 4-up, etc.)labels, and 5- to 50-digit ZIP Codes.WonderBar takes up less than 3K of memory.Registration: $15.00.
XPRT.ZIP 58,192 06-08-94 Xprt - is a file printing utility for HPLaserJets compatible printers. NEW: addedlines per inch selection to the command line,support for limited Epson dot matrix printercompatibility, command line switch to toggle
'Immediate Exit' mode.
YFG500C.ZIP 392,403 04-11-94 EZ-Forms Gold vYFG500C shareware release.Fully functional. No "screens", etc. Greatforms processor. Direct descendent of theoriginal "EZ-FORMS"(SF, PF). Includes fulldrawing, directory navigation, file
compression, auto date, time, numbering,more. Multi-user licenses available. Only$19.95 Other Licn. Available for low $ EZXP&D, Box 58177 Webster TX 77598-8177 USA713-2809900/8180/8300/0099 Voc/BBS/FoD/FAX